JAL Mileage Bank - Rules for JAL Family Club Membership

Rules for JAL Family Club Membership

Important Information
You are responsible for reading and understanding the rules, regulations, all applicable membership guides, newsletters and online information and updates. Your rights, responsibilities and membership status are described therein. JAL may amend the rules of this program at any time, with or without notice.
Article1 Purpose, Revision and Acknowledgement
1. The JAL Family Club herein (hereinafter referred to as "JALFC") is managed by Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "JAL"). JMB members who register participation in JALFC (hereinafter referred to as the "JALFC members" as defined in Article 2 below) acknowledge receipt of, accept, and agree to observe the terms, conditions and limitations as expressed in the Rules for JAL Family Club Membership,
2. JALFC members acknowledge receipt of, accept, and agree to observe JALFC Rules, as well as the JMB Handbook and JAL Mileage Bank Rules and Conditions(hereinafter referred to as "JMB Rules"), the JAL website and the Conditions of Carriage of JAL and its partner airline companies (Hereinafter collectively referred to as "The Rules")
3. JAL may revise the Rules and privileges of JALFC, Contents of the Rules and notifications described in the latest JAL website or printed matters shall supersede all rules and notifications.
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Article 2 Members
1. JALFC membership consists of Primary members and Family members (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Members").
2. A Primary member shall be an individual or a representative person of a Family Unit over twelve (12) years of age who resides in a JALFC subject country stated below, who has applied for membership to JAL using the prescribed form(s) and whom JAL has approved upon prescribed examinations.
However, any Family Unit wherein the Primary member is over the age of twelve (12) and under eighteen (18), must appoint an Aide who shall also be a Member of the same Family Unit and over the age of eighteen (18) and he/she may apply for JMB service requests on behalf of his/her Family members. The term "Family" herein includes the members of the family of the Primary member as defined in the immediately following clause. The Primary member of JALFC must register an email address. The Primary member must reside in one of the countries or regions listed below to participate in the JALFC program.

Americas:  North America (including Hawaii and Guam region), Central America and South America
Europe-Middle East-Africa:  European countries, Middle Eastern countries (west of Iran) and African countries
Asia-Oceania:  Asia Oceania Countries
3. Family members are limited to the spouse, children and their spouses, parents, and spouse's parents of a Primary member who are JMB members and have applied for membership to JAL through the Primary member and whom JAL has approved upon prescribed examinations. Enrollment in JMB is required prior to enrolling in JALFC.
The definition of "spouse", "child (children)" and "parent(parents)" shall be governed by the laws of the country or the region where the Primary member resides. There shall be no age limit in qualification for a Family member.
Up to eight (8) persons may be registered as a Family member.
The primary member is responsible for obtaining consent of his or her Family member(s) prior to enrolling. JAL shall not be responsible for any and all liabilities stemming from failure to obtain such consent(s). JAL may ask members to show proof of the relationship of Family as defined in the terms and conditions of The Rules described in Article 2 herein.
4. The Primary member who is over the age of eighteen (18), shall transact all JALFC services including application, withdrawal, addition of Family members, change of a Primary member, add, correct and delete the registered addresses, and apply for exchange of pooled mileage for JMB privileges on behalf of his/her Family members. However any Family member over the age of eighteen (18) is considered to be a Proxy for Primary member and may transact to the same extent as the Primary member. Primary member acknowledge that any Family member over the age of eighteen (18) is considered a Proxy for Primary member. JAL assumes no responsibility for any transactions of JMB service submitted by Family members over the age of eighteen (18) as Proxy of Primary member. The Primary member shall be responsible for any and all damages claimed from such transactions.
If the Primary member is over the age of twelve (12) and under eighteen (18), a Aide as defined in the terms and conditions of The Rules described in Article 2 herein shall apply for any transactions of JALFC service on behalf of the Primary member. JAL assumes no responsibility for any transactions of JALFC service submitted by the Aide. The Aide shall be responsible for any and all damages claimed from such transactions.
JMB registered Address shall be the same within the Family and be the address of Primary member.
5. The Primary member over the age of eighteen (18) and Family members over the age of eighteen (18) are considered as Proxy for all other Family members without registration in accordance with JMB Proxy regulation and are able to transact JMB service requests.
6. The Proxy registered by Family members in accordance with JMB Proxy regulation may not apply for any transactions of JALFC service.
7. The Primary member shall be liable for any costs, claims, damages or demands of any kind from any third party, including damages to JAL, stemming from inaccurate applications or other membership information submitted to JAL, fraudulent use of miles, fraudulent applications, including falsifying Family membership applications. JAL shall bear no liability for any damages or disadvantages stemming from inaccurate information.
8. Members may be subject to legal and/or administrative action by any appropriate government authority and JAL for any fraud, misuse, abuse, misrepresentation or any violation of the Rules. Mileage credit or award tickets may not be sold, purchased or bartered. Any such action may result in, without limitation, forfeiture of all award tickets, cancellation of all accrued miles, cancellation of membership, and prohibition form future participation in the JALFC and JMB programs.
9. Individuals are able to be qualified for membership in the JALFC. Corporations, entities, and companies do not qualify for membership in the JALFC.
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Article 3 Various Fees
1. Member shall pay various fees as defined in clause 2, 3 and 4 to JAL by the date and method indicated by JAL.
2. Family Unit that enrolls in JALFC for the first time shall pay 1,000 miles per Family Unit. However, if you registered for JALFC in Japan prior to moving overseas, the Initial Registration Fee will be free.
The Initial Registration Fee of 1,000 miles will be deducted from Family Unit mileage pool.
3. The Primary member shall pay 1,000 miles per Family Unit as a Renewal Fee every five (5) years after enrollment.
The renewal fee will be deducted automatically from Family Unit mileage pool at the end of the same month five (5) years after the date of enrollment by JAL. In case JAL cannot deduct the renewal fee, the primary member shall agree to withdraw his/her membership.
4. Members shall pay a Family Member Additional Fee when adding a Family member after completing the enrollment procedure.
Members shall pay a Family Member Additional Fee of 1,000 miles per procedure regardless of the number of Family members to be added.
However, if you add a Family member in Japan before the primary member moves overseas, the Family Member Additional Fee will be free.
The Family Member Additional Fee of 1,000 miles will be deducted from Family Unit mileage pool.
5. If a member does not have enough miles to pay the Initial Registration Fee or the Family Member Additional Fee, the member agrees that the miles required for payment will be deducted automatically from Family Unit mileage pool once a sufficient number of miles have accrued.
6. Once paid, various fees shall not be refunded or in any form for any reason.
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Article 4 Membership Qualification and Effective Term
1. JALFC membership qualification commences from the date JAL registers the membership (hereinafter referred to as the "Admission Date") and terminates on the last day of the same month five (5) years later, unless renewed in accordance with The Rules. However, if JALFC members are admitted in Japan and report the travel date to JAL, membership qualification commences from the date of the travel and terminates on the last day of the same month five (5) years later.
2. In the event that a Primary member discontinues to satisfy the terms and conditions of The Rules described in Article 2 herein, JAL may, in its sole discretion, disqualify the Member(s) even if in the effective term described in Item 1 herein.
3. JALFC membership qualification shall be automatically renewed each year upon receipt of the Renewal Fee every five (5) years as described in Article 3, clause 3. The effective period of each subsequent renewed term shall be as given in Item 1 herein. If the Renewal Fee is not paid when due, the member(s) shall be disqualified.
4. JALFC members admitted in Japan must register their address overseas by the prescribed method when relocating to a JALFC subject country. Members who fail to register overseas address will not be able to receive JALFC awards and services.
5. When a Primary member relocates outside of a JALFC subject country provided in Article 1, clause 3 herein, and his/her Family members continue to reside in a JALFC subject country, the Primary member may appoint a Family member who is over the age of twelve (12) to be the new Primary member. However, when the subject Family members change as provided in Item 3, Article 2 herein due to the change of the Primary member, there is a possibility that a Family member may be disqualified due to change of family relationship.
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Article 5 Pooled mileage and mileage information inquiries
1. The Primary member may inquire and receive mileage information on his/her Family members, and apply for exchange of pooled mileage for JMB awards.
2. The Primary member is responsible for obtaining approval from his/her Family members before submitting applications for inquiry and reception of mileage information on his/her Family members and exchange of pooled mileage for JMB awards as given in Item 1 herein. JAL assumes no responsibility for transactions submitted without the approval of the Family members. The Primary member shall be responsible for any and all damages claimed from such transactions.
3. Any Family member over the age of eighteen (18) as a Proxy for Primary member, may transact to the extent as given in Item 1 herein, as defined in the terms and conditions of The Rules described in Article 2 Item 4 herein. However as given in Item 1 herein, the Family member is responsible for obtaining approval from other Family members and Primary member before submitting applications for exchange of pooled mileage for JMB awards, inquire and receive mileage information on other Family members and primary member. JAL assumes no responsibility for transactions submitted without the approval of the Family members. The Primary member shall be responsible for any and all damages claimed from such transactions.
If the Primary member is over the age of twelve (12) and under eighteen (18), a Aide as defined in the terms and conditions of The Rules described in Article 2 herein shall apply for any transactions.
4. JMB Awards exchanged by pooled mileage may be used only the Primary member and the following individuals:
Primary member's spouse, Primary member's parents, Primary member's grandparents, Primary member's siblings, Primary member's siblings' spouses, Primary member's children, Primary member's children's spouses, Primary member's grandchildren, Primary member's grandchildren's spouses, Primary member's spouse's parents, Primary member's spouse's grandparents, Primary member's spouse's siblings, Spouse of Primary member's brothers and sisters-in-law.
However the use of awards to travel on JAL partner airlines or the use of awards to receive the services of any other JAL partner companies are subject to the rules and conditions established by each respective partner.
5. Except for "Mileage Reinstatement Service" mentioned in JMB Rules 15, mileage for unused awards will not be refunded back into the member's account or the award user's account nor will it be exchanged for other awards. JAL shall not be held liable or responsible for compensating the member for unused awards.
6. No accrued miles, award tickets, or any other available JMB benefits may be transferred as part of a domestic relations issue, or through operation of law. In the event of a member's death, JMB Rules 14 will be applied with respect to accrued mileage transfers.
7. Upon loss of qualification of JALFC membership by withdrawal or any other reason, the JALFC member privileges shall become void simultaneously. However, the JMB awards for which exchange procedure has been completed prior to disqualification of the membership, the privilege shall be effective during the effective period. Even upon disqualification of JALFC membership, the JMB membership qualification in the country of residence shall continue.
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Article 6 Withdrawal
1. Primary member may withdraw him/herself and his/her Family member from membership at any time. In order to withdraw membership, the Primary member must notify JAL through a prescribed withdrawal procedure. Withdrawal of the applicable JALFC membership shall be completed once withdrawal procedure has been processed by JAL.
2. Any Family member over the age of eighteen (18), as defined in the terms and conditions of The Rules described in Article 2 Item 4 herein, may apply for withdrawal as given in Item 1 herein as a Proxy for Primary member. If the Primary member is over the age of twelve (12) and under eighteen (18), the Aide shall apply for withdrawal.
3. In the event that payment of the Renewal Fee has not been confirmed by the due date, the JALFC member shall be disqualified and withdrawn automatically.
4. Re-admission is not allowed for six months after withdrawal from JALFC.
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Article 7 Alteration of Registration
1. When a name, address, occupation and other personal data of a member registered at JAL has been changed, the member shall immediately register the change in a manner specified by JAL. JAL may require the member to submit a certificate of change.
2. If the Primary member is over the age of twelve (12) and under the age of eighteen (18), his/her Aide is responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of all membership data. JAL bears no liability for any disadvantages to the Family caused by failure to register, omissions, errors, etc. in the change of registration form.
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Article 8 Miscellaneous
1. All notifications, documents, etc. concerning JALFC shall be addressed to Primary members as a general rule.
2. As a managing authority of the JALFC, JAL shall not be liable for damage or loss to the members caused by member's usage of the services provided JAL Group companies and partner companies.
3. JAL may revise the Rules and privileges of JALFC without notice. JAL may add or terminate partner companies without prior notice.
4. Unless otherwise stated separately, the Rules for JALFC shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
5. JAL shall give the Members at least six (6) months advance notice prior to terminating the JALFC program.
6. JAL shall not be liable for any damage to the members incurred by usage of JALFC and JMB services by a third party caused by the Member's intention or by accident.
7. The JALFC Member agrees, as a condition of participation in the JALFC program, JMB Rules 40 will be implemented in the event any dispute, controversy or claims arise out of, or relating to this JALFC program.
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Article 9 Personal Data Management
1. Members hereby agree JAL may disclose a member's personal data to JAL partner companies to the extent deemed necessary to manage the JALFC program.
2. JAL complies with Court orders, divorce decrees, subpoenas and cooperates with government investigations. As a result, only to the extent required in such orders, decrees, subpoenas and investigations, your membership information, including travel history may be shared with appropriate requesting entities with or without Members' knowledge and consent.
3. JMB Rules 42 through 47 shall be applied, in regards to the handling and management of personal information within the JALFC program

Revised in April 2016

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