Funinsha Rent-a-car (Accumulating Mileage) - JAL Mileage Bank

Funinsha Rent-a-car

This service will end on July 31st (Tuesday) 2018.

"Funinsha Rent-a-car" is a car rental service at Narita Airport that specializes in rentals for those with work assignments outside Japan. Popular minivans are available at rates that are up to 40% lower than those of major car rental agencies. When you use this service, you will have the assurance of knowing that it is operated by JCM, the same company that offers the "Kaigai-Funin Guide".

Calculating mileage

100 yen spent on car rentals = 1 mile
* 100 yen = 2 miles for JAL Family Club members.

How to accumulate mileage

For bookings please visit the website below.
opens in new window
Please enter your JMB membership number when making your booking. Mileage will be credited to your account 1-2 months after the month of the rental.


* Mileage will be credited only to the account of the member who signed the rental car contract. Only one member will be credited with miles, even when two or more members share one rental car.
* No miles will be credited if your booking is cancelled.

For reservations and inquiries

JCM Co., Ltd.
(Mon.-Fri) 9:30 - 19:00 (Sat.) 9:30 - 17:30  Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and the year-end and New Year holidays

Copyright © Japan Airlines. All rights reserved.

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