Fixbox Worldwide Movers
Earn miles when you use Fixbox Worldwide Movers' service within Germany / the Czech Republic, or from one European country to another.
Calculating mileage
1 mile per 1.50 EUR spent
- *Tax and services other than moving will not be eligible for mileage accumulation. Please contact the company directly for details for the eligibility.
How to accumulate miles
Please quote your JMB membership number and mention that you would like to apply for mileage accumulation when you make a contract.
- Mileage will be credited to your JMB account approximately 3 months after the moving date.
- Post registration of mileage may not be accepted.
Country / Region | Tel |
Germany | +49-211-9849-8741 |
Czech Republic | +420-272-770-588 | |