Forte Hotel Group

Forte Hotel’s core values of "Smarter, Healthier, More Creative" inform every decision. Orange Hotels located in Taipei and Chiayi are close to train stations and the subway, providing travelers with conveniently located and comfortable accommodation. Forte Hotel Changhua is close to Changhua railway station and combines leisure and business elements. Yamagata Kaku Hotel & Spa in Jiaoxi blends local indigenous culture with the renowned hot spring culture of Yamagata Prefecture in Japan. Emerald Bay Resort, located on the most beautiful beach in northern Taiwan, boasts numerous facilities to help you relax in style and comfort.
Calculating mileage
Room charges at the Forte Hotel Group (Taiwan area only) TWD 50 = 1 mile
How to accumulate mileage
JMB members residing in Asia (excluding Japan) and Oceania are eligible.
- When making reservation by calling hotel reservation center : Please advise your JMB membership number. Then, when you check in, please present your membership card and mention that you wish to accumulate mileage.
- When making reservation in the homepage of hotel : Please enter your JMB membership number on the comments box. Then, when you check in, please present your membership card and mention that you wish to accumulate mileage.
- Package charges are not eligible.
- Mileage will be credited to your JMB account approximately 2 months after the date of payment.
- Post-registration of mileage may not be accepted.
- Offers are reserved for travelers who book directly via the hotel’s website or by phone. Accommodation vouchers or bookings made through other channels do not apply.