- 〔JALオンライン〕
- JALオンラインにてお手続きください。
- 〔旅行会社や旅行予約サイトで購入した国内線航空券・パッケージツアー・団体旅行〕
- 購入元やお申し込み元へお問い合わせください。
*The following tickets are not eligible for refund through this refund form.
- 〔Domestic tickets purchased through travel agencies or third-party websites〕
- Please contact the travel agency or third-party website where you purchased your ticket.
If you booked your ticket through a travel agency or a third-party website, please contact them directly regarding your ticket.
(About Refund)
*Tickets cannot be refunded after the refund deadline.
*If you have already purchased JAL domestic travel insurance, after completing the refund of your air ticket,After completing the refund of your airline ticket, please go to Zurich Insurance Company's travel insurance policy inquiry site to cancel your insurance policy.
- ご病気やお怪我により飛行機の利用が難しくなった場合(該当する場合は設問10にて医師の診断書を添付ください。)
- ご予約区間が航空券の特別な取り扱い対象空港に含まれる場合や、欠航遅延が発生した場合。
(About the fee)
Cancellation or refund of purchased tickets will be subject to a specified fee.
*Refunds will be made without change in the following cases.
- If yout illness or injury makes it difficult for you to fly(if applicable, please attach a Medical Information Form(MEDIF) in question 10).
- When the reserved sector is included in the airports subject to sepcial handling of the ticket,or when there is a flight cancellation or delay.