JAL SHOP 11‐12月 国際線

日本の技術・感性・心配りが息づく世界に誇れる日本のカバン頭皮指圧もできる先進的な美髪ヘアコーム05An advanced hair beautifying comb that also functionsas a scalp massager04Embodying Japanese craftsmanship, sensibility, and attention to detail,this bag can be showcased to the worldQuality point!Quality point!With a spherical tip achieved by quality craftsmanship and advanced technology, this comb reduces damage to the skin from friction. Static electricity is absorbed and dispersed to control hair frizz.Quality point!Quality point!The design accentuates the qualities of all main materials, metal fittings, and auxiliary components that have been carefully selected. Since the brand’s founding, craftspeople who have inherited skills passed down through generations handcraft each bag painstakingly.NEW!JAL限定MADE IN JAPAN18JAL限定MADE IN JAPANLOVECHROME INBATH PADDLE COMB PREMIUM BLACK Setラブクロム インバス パドルコーム プレミアムブラック セットLOVECHROME INBATH PADDLE COMB 豪华黑色 套装LOVECHROME 인배스 패들 콤 프리미엄 블랙 세트 ¥11,000 詳しくは P.FUJITAKA 2WAY Leather Drawstring Mini BagFUJITAKA 2WAY レザー 巾着 ミニバッグFUJITAKA 两用皮革抽绳袋 迷你收纳包FUJITAKA 2WAY 레더 복주머니 미니백¥27,000詳しくは P.This hair comb was inspired by bride's household This hair comb was inspired by bride's household articles during the Edo period. The silky smooth articles during the Edo period. The silky smooth surface processing using special technology reduces surface processing using special technology reduces damage caused by friction. Suitable for use in the damage caused by friction. Suitable for use in the shower, this multifunctional all-in-one comb shower, this multifunctional all-in-one comb combines two blades with different bristle spacings, a combines two blades with different bristle spacings, a "straight blade" and "rough blade," as well as a "guasha "straight blade" and "rough blade," as well as a "guasha blade" that can be used for scalp pressure massage.blade" that can be used for scalp pressure massage.FUJITAKA, a Japanese modern brand, merges FUJITAKA, a Japanese modern brand, merges traditional techniques passed down through traditional techniques passed down through generations with playful, contemporary creations. generations with playful, contemporary creations. The bag manifests quintessentially Japanese The bag manifests quintessentially Japanese sensibility, including high-quality materials and sensibility, including high-quality materials and meticulous attention to details.meticulous attention to details.LOVECHROMEFUJITAKA9252

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