和を感じるジン京都を中心に選りすぐった06 selected botanicals mainlyfrom Kyoto, this gin evokesJapanese harmonyQuality point!Quality point!With gin, while all botanicals are typically distilled together, KI NO BI is distinctive in that 11 different botanicals are distilled separately according to their characteristics before blending them together.MADE IN JAPAN19KI NO BI Kyoto Dry Gin 750ml季の美 京都ドライジン 750ml季之美 京都干型金酒 750mlKI NO BI 교토 드라이 진 750ml¥5,600113詳しくは P.This dry gin uses a rice spirit base made from rice This dry gin uses a rice spirit base made from rice and soft, fine groundwater from Fushimi in Kyoto. and soft, fine groundwater from Fushimi in Kyoto. Added to it are mainly Kyoto botanicals, such as Added to it are mainly Kyoto botanicals, such as yuzu and Japanese peppercorn. You can savor the yuzu and Japanese peppercorn. You can savor the aroma and flavor of Japanese harmony.aroma and flavor of Japanese harmony.KI NO BIMade with 11 carefully11種類のボタニカルを使用した
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