Security Policy

JAL Group's Basic Policies on Information Security and the Protection of Personal Information

In light of the importance of information security and the protection of personal information in an advanced information society, the JAL Group manages and protects information that the company possesses under the following Group policies.

1. Compliance with Regulations

JAL complies with laws, regulations and guidelines stipulated by administrative bodies.

2. Establishment of management system

JAL has established an internal management system and clearly specifies division of responsibilities.

3. Compliance with internal policies, regulations and guidelines

JAL has established and complies with internal policies, regulations and guidelines.

4. Implementation of safety measures

JAL carries out safety measures and takes steps to prevent inappropriate access to information or the loss, destruction, falsification and leak of information.

5. Implementation of education and awareness programs

JAL promotes education and awareness programs for employees and ensures that information is appropriately managed, while striving to improve knowledge and awareness of information management.

6. Affiliation with external vendors

When entrusting operations related to information management to other companies, JAL selects companies with strong experience and abilities. The contract mandates confidentiality and guarantees that the information will be properly managed.

7. Efforts to improve operations

JAL regularly checks to ensure that information is managed appropriately and works to improve operations on a continual basis.

8. Response in event of accident

In the unlikely event of an accident, JAL endeavors to minimize the damage, quickly releases necessary information and takes all necessary steps to prevent a reoccurrence.

9. Designation of contact

JAL will set up a contact point to which customers may direct their inquiries, complaints, and requests. JAL will respond quickly and with integrity.

10. Release of policies

JAL will disclose its policies on information security and the protection of personal information, including this policy, by posting them on its website.

Security of this website

1. Data protection

To protect the customer's personal information collected on this website, the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Protocol is used on the JMB member page, the credit card settlement page and other pages requiring the entry of personal information such as online questionnaires. This protocol encrypts Internet data and prevents leaks.

2. Use of Cookies