From Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and U.K., please refer to JAL office listings.
We will be introducing remote working to the European contact centre. Because of limitation within the remote working environment, it may take longer to answer your call, depending on the content of your inquiry.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Reservations & Information (including award ticket, baggage inquiries)
English / Japanese Daily 9:30 - 17:00 (UK Time)
German / French Monday to Friday (including UK Public Holidays) 9:30 - 17:00 (UK Time)
JAL Mileage Bank Centre
Monday to Friday 9:30 - 17:00 (UK Time)
Saturday, Sunday and UK Public Holidays closed
From other countries, following numbers are also available for international calls.
To customers who wish to receive a refund.
We have prepared refund form for tickets that cannot be refunded through the website below.
If you have a ticket that cannot be handled on the website, you can apply for a refund from the following link.
We also encourage you to make use of our auto-response chat service.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Anrufe können in englischer Sprache empfangen werden. Wenn Sie Hilfe auf Deutsch benötigen, informieren Sie den Betreiber und Sie werden mit einem externen Dolmetscher verbunden.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Si vous avez besoin d'assistance en français, veuillez en informer l'opérateur et vous serez mis en relation avec un interprète externe".
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Si vous avez besoin d'assistance en français, veuillez en informer l'opérateur et vous serez mis en relation avec un interprète externe".
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Anrufe können in englischer Sprache empfangen werden. Wenn Sie Hilfe auf Deutsch benötigen, informieren Sie den Betreiber und Sie werden mit einem externen Dolmetscher verbunden.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Reservations and inquiries in English and Japanese will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Bolshaya Gruzinskaya str., 61, Moscow, 123056
Office Hours
09:00-13:00, 14:00-17:30 / ex. Fr.Sa.Su.Hol. (Ticketing)
Office Hours
10:00-20:00 (No closing days)
# The service hours of JAL Mileage Bank Services
Monday - Friday 11:00 - 18:30
(Closed on Saturday, Sunday, Japanese public holidays, Japanese New Year holidays between 30Dec2021-03Jan2022)
Office Hours
10:00-20:00 (No closing days)
# The service hours of JAL Mileage Bank Services
Monday - Friday 11:00-18:30
(Closed on Saturday, Sunday, Chinese New Year holidays between 01Feb-03Feb2022)
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Si vous avez besoin d'assistance en français, veuillez en informer l'opérateur et vous serez mis en relation avec un interprète externe".
Anrufe können in englischer Sprache empfangen werden. Wenn Sie Hilfe auf Deutsch benötigen, informieren Sie den Betreiber und Sie werden mit einem externen Dolmetscher verbunden.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.
Calls may be answered in English. If you require assistance in (*), please inform the operator and you will be connected to an external interpreter
Se desidera parlare in italiano, la preghiamo di informare l'operatore e verrà collegato ad un interprete esterno.
Si necesita asistencia en español, informe al operador y le vamos a conectar con un intérprete externo.
Si vous avez besoin d'assistance en français, veuillez en informer l'opérateur et vous serez mis en relation avec un interprète externe".
Anrufe können in englischer Sprache empfangen werden. Wenn Sie Hilfe auf Deutsch benötigen, informieren Sie den Betreiber und Sie werden mit einem externen Dolmetscher verbunden.
Reservations and Information will be undertaken by European Reservation Center in London.