Flights from Dalian to Japan

Most Popular Flights from Dalian to Japan

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  • *Best fares found by others within the last 24hrs. They may no longer be available at time of booking. Modifying route or date selections may result in a different fare.
  • *All prices quoted are based on one adult Economy round-trip fare and include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and surcharges are subject to change at any time prior to purchase.
  • *Fares are rounded up to 1 of the currency unit.
  • *Some flights may be operated by other airlines.
  • *Optional service fees may apply.
  • *Terms and conditions apply.

Fly JAL to maximize your sports vacation in Japan

Japan Airlines is assisting Skiers, Golfers, Divers and Cyclists traveling to Japan.

An Extra Checked Baggage allowance for Sports Equipment (eg: skis, clubs, diving gear and bicycles)

Fly Japan Airlines to enjoy Skiing, Golf, Diving and Cycling in Japan. For a limited time, we are offering an extra checked baggage allowance for overseas travelers bound for Japan with their sports equipment.

An Extra Baggage allowance for Ski, Golf, Diving and Bicycle equipment

How to Apply

  • To apply, please contact our contact center no later than one day prior to your flight’s departure date.
  • In case of a reservation change, please contact our contact center at your location.

Dalian to Japan Flight Deals

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  • *Best fares found by others within the last 24hrs. They may no longer be available at time of booking. Modifying route or date selections may result in a different fare.
  • *All prices quoted are based on one adult Economy round-trip fare and include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and surcharges are subject to change at any time prior to purchase.
  • *Fares are rounded up to 1 of the currency unit.
  • *Some flights may be operated by other airlines.
  • *Optional service fees may apply.
  • *Terms and conditions apply.

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