What is an e-ticket itinerary / receipt?

An e-ticket itinerary / receipt contains important information of the e-ticket.
It is necessary when changing reservations, applying for refunds and for boarding a flight.
Please keep it with you throughout your travel.
The e-ticket itinerary / receipt format may differ depending on the place of purchase.

Printed from JAL website (Sample: Touch & Go)

E-ticket itinerary / receipt sample printed from PC after online ticket purchase and sear selection

Issue at airport counter

E-ticket itinerary / receipt sample issued at airport JAL Group ticket counter
E-ticket itinerary / receipt sample issued at airport JAL Group ticket counter
  • The information (confirmation number, 2D barcode, etc.) on the "e-ticket itinerary" for the segment you have already flown can be used to change or refund your reservation for the remaining segments, as well as for boarding.

Issued by Designated travel agency

E-ticket itinerary / receipt sample issued at JAL Group designated travel agency.
  • The information (confirmation number, 2D barcode, etc.) on the "e-ticket itinerary" for the segment you have already flown can be used to change or refund your reservation for the remaining segments, as well as for boarding.

Display from JAL website or 2D barcode mail

Boarding pass sample Issued on the day of departure at airport

Boarding pass sample issued on the day of departure at airport JAL Group ticket counter
  • Boarding pass sample for infants undet the age of three
Boarding pass sample for infants under the age of three issued at airport JAL Group ticket counter