- As flight schedules on this timetable are subject to change, please search flight availability for up-to-the-minute schedules.
- The departure times, flight numbers, and aircraft noted here are subject to change without notice. Unavoidable circumstances may also sometimes require the cancellation of a flight.
- Timetables are valid for a limited period of time, after which fares and flights are subject to change. Please keep this in mind when viewing JAL domestic route timetables you have downloaded.
- All flights operated by JAL,J-AIR,HAC or JAC are designated as JAL flights. Domestic flight service and responsibility of compensation are jointly provided and assumed by JAL,J-AIR,HAC and JAC.
- You can get the latest flight status for a flight by specifying a route or flight number by searching the departure and arrival information.
- Check the latest flight news for the flight status on the day of and day after departure.