Title: Kusho – Writings in the Air: Reversible Rotation in Black and White with Cranes – Itami, Blue Light, Day and Night
Ultrasubjective Space is logically perceived to rotate equally in both the left and right directions whereas all kusho works of art rotate only in one direction. Therefore, your consciousness will read the character from the left or right direction. Kusho is calligraphy in the air. The deep, fast, and powerful black ink traces gives a new interpretation as it reconstructs the character three-dimensionally in space. The logical structure of TeamLab’s Ultrasubjective Space becomes two dimensional. In other words, the calligraphy wanders both back and forth between a flat plane and solid body. This work brightens up with the sun rise and darkens when the sun sets. During the night it glitters in blue light.
team Lab
teamLab is a collective, interdisciplinary creative group that brings together professionals from various fields of practice in the digital society: artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, architects, web and print graphic designers and editors. Referring to themselves as "Ultra-technologists," their aim is to achieve a balance between art, science, technology and creativity.