Updated : 2017/8/31

Airport guide Print


Terminal map

Terminal 1 is located next to Terminal 2.

Terminal guidance of airlines

Terminal 1
  • United Airlines (UA)
  • American Airlines (AA)
  • Japan Airlines (JL)
Terminal 2
  • Hawaiian Airlines (HA)
  • Delta Air Lines (DL)
  • Alaska Airlines (AS)
Terminal 3
  • Mokulele Airlines (MW)

Japan → Kona → Other islands

All passengers arriving at Kona International Airport from overseas must process through US Immigration and Customs, regardless of whether they are transiting or staying in Kona. Passengers must retrieve all their checked baggage and proceed to the customs inspection area.
After completing the customs inspection, passengers with connecting flights need to meet JAL agent in arrival area and present their airline tickets to re-check in their baggage.

* Passengers without their boarding passes for their connecting flight may check in at the departure terminal at their connecting air carrier.

Other islands → Kona → Japan

Passengers must check to see if their check in baggage is tagged through to their final destination (Japan) in order to transit through Kona without retrieving their baggage. Baggage only tagged only to Kona will be dropped off at Kona and will not be transferred on own to the connecting carrier. The final destination of the baggage may be verified with the baggage claim tag issued when the baggage was checked in.

Details on how to obtain the boarding pass are as follows:

  • Arrivals at Terminal 2 : Departure lobby JAL check-in counter (your baggage will undergo another inspection).
  • Arrivals at Terminal 1 : JAL departure gate . * The check-in closing time is 1 hour prior to departure. All passengers are required to complete the process before this time.

* The check-in closing time is 45 minutes prior to departure. All passengers are required to complete the process before this time.

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