International Self Service Check-in Machine (Kiosk)

For easier and smoother boarding,
check in JAL international flights at self check-in kiosk.

What you can do at self check-in kiosk

  • Select seats
    • Choose your preferred seats on the seat map.
  • Register frequent flyer number
    • If you use JMB card/JALCARD for check-in, applicable JMB miles will be registered at the same time.
    • You may also register your membership number of our partner airlines.
  • Check in/collect boarding pass
    (available even you have checked baggage)

Where you can find self check-in kiosk

What services check-in kiosk provide

  • Flight check-in
  • Issue boarding pass for passengers who have completed web check-in (QuiC)
  • Issue baggage receipt for "JAL TEBURA Service"
  • Issue e-ticket itinerary/receipt
  • Issue baggage tag (Only for some airport)

Who can use self check-in kiosk

Passengers using e-tickets

Kiosk check-in may not be available to the following passengers.

  • Passengers traveling on codeshare flights operated by other airlines.
  • Passengers who are not holding machine-readable passports (e.g. printed with previous name/not meeting ICAO standard machine readable format)

* Passengers checking in at the kiosk will be also required to present air ticket and/or passport by the airport officer for travel document check.

For passengers traveling on codeshare flights

Operating carrier of codeshare flight will provide service at airport and inflight. Check-in process and service varies by flight. Please contact us or your travel agency for details before travel.

opens in new window If you are traveling on AA operating codeshare flight (PDF 322KB)

opens in new window Conditions of Carriage for AA

opens in new window If you are traveling on WS operating codeshare flight

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