Traveling Babies or Small Children

Assistance service available for passengers traveling with children under 3 years old (no younger than 8 days old)

Seating types

Seating types available to passengers traveling with children between 8 days and 2 years old are shown below.

Depending on the child's age and the type of seat used, a ticket purchase may be required.

Please scroll horizontally.

Child's age Seating type Ticket
Less than 8 days Children less than 8 days old may not fly.
8 days to 2 years In the same seat as an adult (in lap) Not required

In a separate seat from the adult

*Infants age 8 days to 1 year must sit in an adult's lap when the seatbelt sign is turned on.

In a child seat Required
  • Tickets must be purchased for the same fare applied to child tickets.
  • One adult may accompany up to two children between 8 days and 2 years old, of whom only 1 may travel without ticket purchase (in the adult's lap).
  • Children between 8 days and 2 years old must be accompanied onboard by an adult (age 12 or older).
  • For travel by children age 3 or older, please see "About Bookings for Children."

Key points

Point.1 Select seat

  • Passengers traveling with children between 8 days and 2 years old cannot sit in exit rows for safety reasons.
  • If you are traveling with 2 children between 8 days and 2 years old and desire adjacent seats, please select "Preferred Seats for Passengers with 2 Children."
  • Eligible seats may be restricted to certain fare types.
  • Aircraft types are subject to change without prior notice.

Child Icons during seat selection

Passengers traveling with children between 8 days and 2 years old who select their seats on the JAL website will have a child icon displayed on their seats on the seat selection screen. This lets other passengers know a child may be sitting there.

  • Child icons may not be displayed correctly if there is a change in aircraft.

Point.2 Child seat/Baby stroller

Child seat

Child seats are available for children between 8 days and 2 years old who have their own ticketed seats.

How to use

Advance reservations are required.
You may either bring your own child seat or use one provided by JAL.
After booking your ticket, please contact the JAL Contact Center at least 3 days prior to your departure date.

  • Depending on conditions, child seat reservations may still be available from 2 days prior to departure up until 17:00 on the day before departure. Please contact us to inquire.
  • Passengers may bring their own child seats aboard the aircraft if the seats meet JAL's specifications and passengers are able install them in the aircraft seats themselves.
    Please note that even if a seat can be installed, it may not be allowed onboard if judged to be unsafe when installed.
  • No reservation is required if you wish to check a child seat as baggage instead of bringing it aboard. We will gladly check it free of charge.


Baby strollers may be borrowed or checked at the airport.

Borrowing a babyStroller

Strollers for use in the airport are available for customers traveling with babies.
No advance reservation is required.
Please come to the Special Assistance Counter or manned counter.
If you wish to use a stroller after arrival, please inform the staff at the departure airport.
We may not be able to accommodate all requests as supplies are limited.

Checking/Bringing a baby stroller

You may check in your own baby stroller free of charge. 

Using your own stroller at the airport/bringing it on board

If your stroller fits within the carry-on baggage allowance when folded, you may bring it on board in its folded state.

  • The baby stroller or foldable buggy cannot be used in the cabin. Please fold before passing through the boarding gate and stow it in your own case.
  • Each passenger is allowed to bring one item of carry-on baggage as long as it is within the specified size.
  • If you are bringing a baby stroller or foldable buggy, you are not allowed to carry any baggage on board other than personal belonging (handbags, cameras, umbrellas and others).

Point.3 Check-in

Please visit the Special Assistance Counter if any of the following applies to you :

  • Reserved a child seat
  • Checking/Bringing a baby stroller
  • Baby stroller rental at the airport

Point.4 Boarding

During boarding, you will have priority to get on board. Please inform our staff at the boarding gate.

Point.5 Inflight

Inflight services are available for the comfort of customers traveling with babies.

  • Let us help you with fixing baby’s milk
    Hot water is available for easy cleaning of baby bottles.
    100% fruit juice (apple juice) is also available.
  • Lavatories with diaper changing tables available
    Most aircraft have restrooms equipped with diaper-changing tables. Diapers can also be furnished upon request (M/L size). Quantities are limited.
  • Inflight entertainment
    We provide programming geared towards children through our free Wi-Fi video service.
  • Some services may not be available on all aircraft.

We also offer original merchandise for children.

  • The items in the photo are examples.

To passengers with children

Be careful not to get your fingers caught.

Cabin furnishings are equipped with aircraft configurated items.
Be careful not to get your fingers caught in the seat table, armrest or toilet door when opening or closing.

Hot drinks are not available.

We refrain from serving hot drinks to adults holding children.

Hold your baby tightly while seatbelt sign on.

Please fasten your seatbelt?and hold your baby tightly.

Contact info

Special Assistance Desk for Traveling with Babies or Small Children, Children Traveling alone, Expectant mothers and Elderly customers

Toll-free / Inside Japan only
Phone number0120-25-0001
Available hours: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (open 365 days a year)
Not toll free: 03-4330-2525*
  • The content of conversation with the customer may be recorded or monitored to ensure quality service.

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