Updated: 2024/10/24
Check-in opening hours:
Check-in opens at the following time
Until Oct 26,2024
From 3hours to 1hour before departure time
From Oct 27,2024
JL883 :From 6:30 to 1 hour before departure time
JL841 :From 6:30 to 1 hour before departure time
JL8671:From 3hours to 1hour before departure time
JL794 :From 3hours to 1hour before departure time
Check in counters are located on the departure lobby on the 3rd floor.
Please present your ticket and passport at the JAL international check in counters.
Your carry-on baggage will be X-rayed.
Please show your completed immigration card, passport, and boarding pass.
(Japanese citizens are not required to complete an immigration card.)
If you have concerns about your health arising from your stay abroad, please report to the health consultation room or notify a quarantine officer.
Please show your passport.
Please check the information board to find the baggage carousel for your flight number, where you will be able to collect your baggage.
If you have nothing to declare, proceed to the green inspection table. Show your passport and undergo an inspection by an official.
You may be asked questions about your destination and purpose of travel. If you are carrying items exceeding the tax exemption range, proceed to the inspection table with the red light.
All passengers must submit a customs declaration form, regardless of whether they have anything to declare or not.
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