If your flight is rescheduled or cancelled


Currently, there is an issue on the booking list screen after logging in as a JMB member, where you cannot go to the booking details screen even if you select a reservation whose schedule has been changed such as time change or flight cancellation. If you are logged in as a JMB member, please log out and go to “Non JMB member” after clicking the link below.

If your booking changes due to a change inflight plans, inclement weather, or other reasons, please check your booking details as soon as possible and then follow the below procedures.

  • You will not be charged any additional fees.
  • Confirm changes
  • Change alternate flight
  • Cancel booking and request refund


  • We will do our best to arrange new seats, inflight meals, and Optional Services, but please also check the status of the new arrangements.
  • Booking change services may not be available on the JAL website for some bookings.
  • You can view and make changes to your booking even if you purchased your ticket through a travel agency or another airline. However, if you wish to cancel the booking and receive a refund, you must contact the original point of purchase. In addition, if your booking has not yet been ticketed, please contact the point of purchase to check the status of your ticket.