By following the precautions above, you can enjoy a pleasant flight.
Sitting for long periods of time without moving your legs can cause the condition of Traveler's Thrombosis (DVT), which results in blood clots in the inner legs.
The danger posed by these blood clots is that once the individual starts moving, a clot can travel in the bloodstream and end up blocking blood vessels to the lungs (lung embolus). Since Traveler's Thrombosis (DVT) was first reported in economy class passengers, it was nicknamed "economy class syndrome."
However, the condition is not restricted to economy class passengers, and the same danger is present whenever people sit in the same position for a long period of time in any mode of transportation. The term "Traveler's Thrombosis" is much more accurate.
Those with the following illnesses or symptoms are at risk for Traveler's Thrombosis (DVT): passengers with varicose veins in the legs, or who have had an operation on, injury to, or malignant tumor in their legs, past Traveler's Thrombosis (DVT), obesity with a propensity for blood clotting, as well as women using oral contraceptives, and those who are pregnant or have just given birth. These individuals should all consult their physician before flying.
1.With your feet on the tips of your toes raise your legs
2.Raise the tips of your toes
3.Lightly massage your calves
If you experience any of the initial symptoms of Traveler's Thrombosis (DVT), which are redness, swelling and pain from the thighs to the lower legs, go to the hospital immediately.
Please see the following page for information on medical supplies and medicines carried on board aircraft.