When you purchase a ticket with your credit card through our website, you may be required to provide the email address and phone number registered with your credit card issuer. Please check the information before proceeding to purchase.
JALCARD, Visa, MasterCard, JCB, UC CARD, MUFG CARD, DC CARD, UFJ CARD, NICOS, Diners Club International, American Express, Orico, Cedyna, OMC Card, CF Card, Saison Card, Aeon Card, Tokyu TOP, TS Cubic Card, Aplus, JACCS, Rakuten, JAL PassAge, UATP
When you purchase a ticket with your credit card through our webiste, please use Authentication by Security Code and Authentication Service.
Depending on the credit card used, you may be able to change the method of payment to installment or revolving payment after purchase.
Please contact the credit card company that issued your credit card for details.