International Self Service Check-in Machine (Kiosk)

For easier and smoother boarding,
check in JAL international flights at self check-in kiosk.

What you can do at self check-in kiosk

  1. Select seats:
    Choose your preferred seats on the seat map.
  2. Register frequent flyer number:
    If you use JMB card/JALCARD for check-in, applicable JMB miles will be registered at the same time.
    You may also register your membership number of our partner airlines.
  3. Check in/collect boarding pass
    (available even you have checked baggage)

Who can use self check-in kiosk

Passengers using e-ticket

  • Kiosk check-in may not be available to the following passengers.
  1. Passengers traveling on codeshare flights operated by other airlines.
  2. Passengers who are not holding machine-readable passports (e.g. printed with previous name/not meeting ICAO standard machine readable format)
  • Passengers checking in at the kiosk will be also required to present air ticket and/or passport by the airport officer for travel document check.

For passengers traveling on codeshare flights

Operating carrier of codeshare flight will provide service at airport and inflight. Check-in process and service varies by flight. Please contact us or your travel agency for details before travel.

Where you can find self check-in kiosk