Use of Child Seat Onboard Aircraft

For safety reasons, an adult travelling with two Infants under 2 years of age will be required to use a Child Seat for one Infant.
(The customer is requested to make a reservation for one Infant and pay child fare.)
You may bring your own Child Seat, or you may use our Child Seat Rental Service if you do not have one.
This Service is also available for children who has difficulty in sitting upright due to physical reason.

For customers who bring their own Child Seat

Child Seats which satisfy the following 1 to 4 standards may be used onboard.

  • Child seat is set by guardian following maker's instruction.
  • At the time of fixing the child seat to the installed aircraft seats, even if the child seat is of a suitable type, there may be times that we decide that it is unable to be safely fixed depending on aircraft configuration or installed seat types.
    In that case we ask your understanding that the child seat may not be used.

1. BUCKET TYPE (Forward/ Rear facing type and Convertible type) Child Seats which satisfy the following standards may be used onboard.

a. Satisfy Japanese standards (apparatus type with specific standards) and is affixed with the prescribed mark.

b. Satisfy Western standards (ECE,FMVSS) and is affixed with the prescribed mark.



c. "TSO-C100b" is shown on Child Seat.

2. The aircraft seat belt buckle (2.5cm thick, 6.5cm wide, 6.5cm long) can be slipped through the hole of the Child Seat belt.

3. The infant/child can be seated in the Child Seat and does not exceed the weight limitation shown on the Child Seat.

4. If the width of the Child Seat exceeds 42 cm, it may not be possible to mount depending on the equipment and seat. Please contact the reservation center for details.

A certain product of Child Seat out of BOOSTER SEAT TYPE Child Seats without a seat back or sides and VEST AND HARNESS TYPE Child Seats with only a seat back but no seating surface or sides can be used.

For customers using JAL's Child Seat Rental Service

Please make advance reservations for the Child Seat Rental Service. Contact our reservations center at least 96 hours prior to departure time. Book early as the number of Child Seats is limited.
Child Seats are not available on code-share flights operated by other airlines.
Also, for JAL operated flights, Child Seats may not be used depending on the aircraft and class. Please contact us for more information.

  • We use "Tribute Sports" manufactured by evenflo.
    However, we use "Roundabout" manufactured by BRITAX in case if "Tribute Sports" manufactured by evenflo cannnot be attached to the seat.
  • It is necessary to make a reservation to occupy a seat for an infant and pay child fare.
  • Child Seats suit children under 3 years old, weight over 2.3kg and under 18kg and less than 102cm tall.
  • We will ask the age, height and weight of your child at reservations.
  • For Children with difficulty maintaining an upright position on the seat due to a disability, a Child Seat can be rented as a supportive device free of charge.
  • The seat direction differs depending on the child's weight.
    Over 2.3kg and under 9kg or under 1 year old : Rear facing
    Over 9kg and under 18kg and 1 year or older : Forward facing