How to Proceed If You Can't Log In (From October 20, 2021)


Please select your language from the buttons below.


For languages other than Japanese and English, select from the pull-down menu below and click Next.

JMB Membership Number

Your Membership Number is shown on your card as either a 9-digit or 7-digit number.

Forgot your JMB Membership Number?

If you don't have your card, please contact us to have your card reissued.

  • Don't Have Your JAL Mileage Bank Card?

Please contact the JAL Mileage Bank Center.

Forgot Your Password?

If you've forgotten your password, please click below to reset your password.

In the interests of protecting your personal information, we are unable to take password inquiries via phone or email.

Haven't Received Your One-Time Password?

Please make sure you are able to receive emails from

If there are no problems receiving emails, the email address that you provided for your one-time password may have been entered incorrectly. Please contact the below helpdesk directly to check that your registered email address is correct.