From 24 hours to 60 minutes to the departure.
Confirm or change a booking. Select a seat.
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Access your e-invoice here
Baggage allowance varies depending on the flight sector and class of service. Please select the sector and class of service you will be flying.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
23 kg (50lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to3pieces
32 kg (70lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
23 kg (50lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to3pieces
32 kg (70lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
23 kg (50lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to3pieces
32 kg (70lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
23 kg (50lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to3pieces
32 kg (70lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
23 kg (50lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Free checked baggage allowance
Up to3pieces
32 kg (70lbs) /piece
Up to7pieces
*When length + width + height exceeds 203cm
*Including wheels and handles
Free carry-on baggage allowance
Up to2pieces
total weight Within 10 kg (22lbs)
Baggage Delivery Service
For a hassle-free arrival experience, you may now have your baggage delivered from the airport to your hotel, and earn 50 JMB miles per bag. Advanced booking for this service is available.
Info for families
We promise to provide all of our JAL customers
with safe and comfortable air travel.
Can I bring my musical instruments as cabin baggage?
Instrument cases whose total liner dimensions do not exceed 115cm (100cm for smaller aircraft with less than 100 seats), may be carried onto the aircraft as cabin baggage.
Can I check-in using a self-service kiosk?
Yes, JAL international flights offer a self check-in kiosk service at airports in Japan. This service is open only to passengers flying on JAL holding machine-readable passports.
I am travelling with a surfboard, can I check it in?
Yes, passengers travelling with a surfboard or a windsurfing board can check these items in but at an extra charge. Unfortunately, the free baggage allowance does not apply for these items.
Do you provide bassinets for infants on your flights?
Yes, our bassinets are ideal for infants weighing up to 10.5kg and up to age 2, but they require an advanced booking. We also provide infant seats and special meals for infants and children.
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