*Best fares found by others within the last 24hrs. They may no longer be available at time of booking. Modifying route or date selections may result in a different fare. *All prices quoted are based on one adult Economy round-trip fare and include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and surcharges are subject to change at any time prior to purchase. *The above fares are per person based on 2-person occupancy. *Fares are rounded up to 1 of the currency unit. *Some flights may be operated by other airlines. *Optional service fees may apply. *Terms and conditions apply.
Why book with us?
One-stop booking of flights and hotels
Choose JAL flights and hotels in Japan freely to create your Japan travel package.
Diverse accommodation options
From affordable lodging to luxury hotels and Japanese inns, you may easily find your perfect stay in Japan.
Generous checked baggage allowance
Economy Class: 23kg x 2 pieces per passenger, Business Class: 32kg x 3 pieces per passenger.
Free seat selection
Seat selection is free of charge (restrictions may apply to some bookings).
Book together and save
Get savings when book your vacation together.
Easy to accumulate miles
Accumulate mileage to JAL Mileage Bank or oneworld airline membership account (terms and conditions may apply).
No. 1 customer satisfaction
"Japan Airlines Vacations" is managed by JALPAK, Japan Airlines' group company which was ranked the No.1 travel services provider in Japan's largest customer satisfaction survey JSCI 2023.
One-stop booking of flights and hotels
Choose JAL flights and hotels in Japan freely to create your Japan travel package.
Diverse accommodation options
From affordable lodging to luxury hotels and Japanese inns, you may easily find your perfect stay in Japan.
Generous checked baggage allowance
Economy Class: 23kg x 2 pieces per passenger, Business Class: 32kg x 3 pieces per passenger.
Free seat selection
Seat selection is free of charge (restrictions may apply to some bookings).
Book together and save
Get savings when book your vacation together.
Easy to accumulate miles
Accumulate mileage to JAL Mileage Bank or oneworld airline membership account (terms and conditions may apply).
No. 1 customer satisfaction
"Japan Airlines Vacations" is managed by JALPAK, Japan Airlines' group company which was ranked the No.1 travel services provider in Japan's largest customer satisfaction survey JSCI 2023.
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