J-SMILES Smile with JAL We offer the ultimate support for your travel needs

Click here to register your company for the J-SMILES program
The company code will be sent by email within 1 week after your registration. How does J-SMILES work?

What does J-SMILES stand for ?

J=JAL S=mall M=Medium I=Industries  L=Loyalty E=Encouragement  S=Scheme
'J-SMILES' is a corporate incentive program for companies based in Malaysia. It is specifically targeted at small " medium sized travel volume.
JAL will give various benefits like "J-SMILES COUPON" which can use for purchasing JAL international flight ticket, "KLIA LOUNGE COUPON","UPGRADE COUPON" & "EXCESS BAGGAGE COUPON" based on the company's travel volume . No registration fee required. Let's join J-SMILES today!
  • No Registration Fee
    Registration is FREE.
    Down load application form from by clicking on this button
    Click here to register your company for the J-SMILES program
  • Easy to get Benefits
    It is easy to use JAL! JAL has 2 daily flights between Kuala Lumpur and Japan (Tokyo & Osaka). And JAL has the largest International flight network from Japan too.
  • Double Benefit
    Passengers will still enjoy regular JAL Mileage Bank (JMB) benefits in addition to J-SMILES benefits.

Attractive Benefits

The Benefits will be sent to the "Company's Person-In-Charge" for future use.

1.J-SMILES Coupon *1
J-SMILES Coupon is valid payment for air fare for JAL International Flight Tickets
2.KLIA Lounge Coupon*2
For your comfort and pleasure, we offer a moment to relax and ease before boarding your JAL flight from Kuala Lumpur
3.Up-Grade Coupon*3
Up-grade your JAL Economy class ticket to BusinessClass.* Relaxation and Comfort enfold you during the flight. *not applicable for JMB award or other non-revenue tickets.
  • *1 Can be used at Japan Airlines Kuala Lumpur ticketing counter only.
    -offset airfare, not taxes or surcharges
    -No change will be given if the amount of J-SMILES Coupon exceed the air fare. (Not exchangeable for cash)
    -non refundable
  • *2 Valid when using JAL flight (need to show boarding pass)
    1coupon admits 1 person.
  • *3 Valid for use on JL flight for Kuala Lumpur / Singapore = Tokyo routes only.
    1 coupon required for 1 flight segment. Require minimum 3 days advance request. Subject to seat availability.
    Eligible Economy class ticket : Booking class = H,B,Y

We have stopped to provide Excess Baggage Coupon after accumulation period (Apr-Sep 2010) due our checked Baggage Policy has been changed from boarding date on/after 1 April 2011.

J-SMILES Details of Benefits
Eligibility Open to all companies based in Malaysia, except companies having other corporate agreement with JAL or companies in the travel industry.
Eligible Flight Japan Airlines International Flight
Eligible ticket - Issued by appointed agent (IATA, JAL & Company) in Malaysia
- Ticket number must start with "131" (JAL ticket)
Eligible Fare - IATA or Carrier Fare (exclude promotion fares)
For more information about J-SMILES, please contact
JAL Kuala Lumpur Corporate Sales Section
Tel: 03-2287-6888 9:30-17:30(Mon-Fri)
Fax: 03-2284-9888 Email:kul.jmb@jal.com
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