JAL - J-SMILES How does J-SMILES work?


J-SMILES Smile with JAL We offer the ultimate support for your travel needs

Click here to register your company for the J-SMILES program
The company code will be sent by email within 1 week after your registration. How does J-SMILES work?

How does J-SMILES work ?

♦ Registration
  • 1. Download application form by clicking Click here to register your company for the J-SMILES program
  • 2. Fill in the form and send to JAL Kuala Lumpur Corporate Sales Section by Fax (03-2178-5900) or Email (kul.jmb@jal.com).
  • Within 1 week after receiving the completed form
  • 3. JAL will send "Company Code" by E-mail.
    Once company receives its company code from JAL, J-SMILES registration is completed.
♦ How to Accumulate
When you make a flight reservation, please ask appointed agent to input company code in tour code box of IATA/JAL Carrier Fares ticket. Ticket must be Eligible for J-SMILES. Unable to input in promotion fare ticket due already have promotion tourcode
If company code is not indicated in the tourcode box of ticket, JAL would not be able to track usage.
♦ How to get result & Benefit
An update will be emailed by end JUL and JAN to the designated company person in charge. Final results will be sent to company's person in charge together with benefits within 3months after the end of each term (by Dec & Jun)
Accumulation Period  (Apr–Sep)Jun Send final results and benefits to the company for accumulation period (Oct-Mar)Jul Update results to the company for accumulation period (Apr-Sep) Accumulation Period (Oct–Mar)Dec Send final results and benefits to the company for accumulation period (Apr-Sep)Jan Update results to the company for accumulation period (Oct-Mar)
♦ How to use Benefits
Go to "Benefits"
♦ Expiry
Validity of benefits are until the end of the following year's tracking period.
(example, APR—SEP tracking period's benefits will be valid until 30SEP the following year)
For more information about J-SMILES, please contact
JAL Kuala Lumpur Corporate Sales Section
Tel:03-8787-3833 9:00-17:30(Mon-Fri)
Fax:03-8787-3323 Email:kul.jmb@jal.com
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