Japan domestic flight Advance booking service <For members living in Japan only>
JMB Diamond and JGC Premier members can book JAL Group domestic flight tickets prior to the normal booking start date and time.
Booking Start Date
From 10 p.m. (Japan time) 361 days prior to the flight date
How to request this service
Reservations through the JAL website
Eligible members
JMB DIAMOND/JGC PREMIER members and traveling companions.
JMB DIAMOND or JGC PREMIER members must request this service by themselves.
Applicable Flights
JAL Group domestic flights
Applicable Class
- First Class
- Class J
- Economy Class
Eligible Fares
- Common to all classes: All fares except "Go somewhere with miles"
- * In case fares have yet to be decided, advance bookings cannot be accepted.
- * Waitlisting is not permitted.
- * When booking multiple segments at a time, the booking start date for the advance booking service will be the booking start date for last segment's flight.
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