JGC Five Star - Lifestyle

  • 6,000 Life Status Points Luxurious comfort - extraordinary brilliance of Five Star 6,000 Life Status Points Luxurious comfort - extraordinary brilliance of Five Star



Free unlimited data for seven days


JAL original Skyberry WiFi device provided
Free 7GB data/month plan that can be used both within Japan and internationally (valid for two months from the month the device arrives)

Coupon (only once) will be distributed on the JAL Mileage Bank app.
Please copy the distributed coupon code and enter it when applying for this service.

  • Coupon will be distributed on the app by the end of the following month after Star Grade qualification.


No handling fee and 30% off total usage fee

  • For more information, please refer to the members only page.

Download the JAL Mileage Bank app (available in Japanese only)

JAL Mileage Bank app



  • The JAL Mileage Bank app requires IOS 15 or higher or Android 10 or higher.