Services and benefits for each Star Grade


Four new services and benefits have been added to partner services and benefits.
More information can be found on the webpages for each Star Grade. (June 27, 2024)

SHARE LOUNGE: available to JMB elite and higher
GLOBAL Wi-Fi: available to JGC Three Star and higher
Coca-Cola (Coke ON): available to JGC Three Star and higher
Skyberry: available to JGC Four Star and higher

Displaying your Star Grade

Your Star Grade will be displayed on the JAL website and the status screen of the JAL Mileage Bank app after account login around one week after you qualify for a Star Grade.

Services and benefits for each Star Grade

Available services and benefits differ depending on the number of Life Status Points in your account.

Services and benefits available after joining JAL Global Club

Services and benefits available after applying for JMB elite and JMB elite plus benefits