LATAM Airlines

What is Flight Mileage?

Flight mileage is automatically credited to your JMB account when you travel on eligible flights. In order to accrue miles, your JMB membership number must be provided in 9 digits*1 when making the reservation or at check-in. Additionally, all tickets must be issued in the JMB member's name. Flight mileage is based on the sector mileage specified for the sector(s) traveled and on the accumulation rate for the fare of the purchased ticket.

Flight Mileage = Sector Mileage × Accumulation Rate
  1. Customers with less than 9 digits JMB membership numbers, please add 0 (ZERO) at the top.
    Example: 1234567 → 001234567
  • Some situations are not eligible for mileage accrual.
  • JMB sector mileage is calculated based on IATA TPM (International Air Transport Association Ticketed Point Mileage).
    Revision of mileage will be made in July and January of next year based on the IATA TPM released in spring and autumn previous year.

Accumulation Rates

LATAM Airlines (LA/XL)

Fares Applicable booking classes Accumulation rate
Business Class J, C, D, I, Z 125%
Premium Economy Class W, P 100%
Economy Class Y, B 100%
Economy Class H, K, M, L 70%
Economy Class V, X, S, N, Q, O, G 50%
Economy Class A 30%
  • Inclusive Tour Fares are eligible for mileage accrual if booked in any of the applicable booking classes above. Regardless of the fare paid, tickets will be ineligible for mileage accrual if booked in any class that is not noted above.
  • Domestic flights operated by LATAM booked in X, N, Q, O, G and A are not eligible.
  • "LATAM" (LA, XL) designated codeshare flights operated by LATAM Group airlines and JL are eligible for earning miles.
  • For some fares, the accumulation rate may differ from the rates shown above.

Ineligibility for Mileage Accrual

Mileage will not accrue in the following situations:

  • When traveling under a different name
  • When traveling on award tickets, non-revenue tickets, or special discounted fares such as travel agent fares, tour conductor fares, or infant fare
  • When using cargo flights or charter flights.(except JAL International Flights)
  • When traveling on tickets or booking classes that are ineligible for mileage accrual based on agreements with partner airlines
  • When the flight is not boarded for any reason, including due to flight delay or cancellation
  • When the flight has been registered to a frequent flyer program other than JMB

How to Accumulate Flight Mileage

When making a reservation

Flight mileage will automatically be credited to your account when you provide your JMB membership before your flight.

Post-Flight Credit

Please request post-flight credit if you did not provide your JMB membership number before your flight. All requests must be made within six months from the flight date.
JMB members in overseas regions can request post-flight credit by postal mail only.

LATAM Airlines (LA/LP/XL)

Lima / Cusco

Economy Class Normal Fare (Accumulation rate 100%)

Miles accumulated 19,992 miles


Tokyo (Narita)

Japan Airlines


Los Angeles

LATAM Airlines



LATAM Airlines



LATAM Airlines



LATAM Airlines


Los Angeles

Japan Airlines


Tokyo (Narita)