Tokyo Narita / NRT

Narita International Airport

Last Updated: 2024.04.24

Airport Office Information

Airport Office Address

JAL Cargo Bldg. Narita International Airport, Narita, Chiba 282-0021, Japan.


JAL Cargo Service Co.,Ltd.

Warehouse Address


JAL Cargo Bldg(No.5 Cargo warehouse). Narita International Airport,Narita, Chiba 282-0021, Japan.

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JAL Cargo Bldg. Narita International Airport, Narita, Chiba 282-0021, Japan.

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JALCargo Service Co.,Ltd. Website 新しいウインドウで開きますContact details by inquiry
Office hours MON(First day after N.H.) 07:30-21:00(until 22:00 for Intact ULD)
TUE-SAT 06:00-21:00(until 22:00 for Intact ULD)
SUN/N.H. 06:00-20:00

Special Cargo

J PRODUCTS Cool Frozen Valuables Live Animal Dangerous

Standard Time

General Cargo 150 minutes prior to time of departure
Dangerous Goods The day before the departure date
Intact ULD 120 minutes prior to time of departure
J SPEED Less than 300kg per AWB 90 minutes prior to time of departure
More than 300kg per AWB 120 minutes prior to time of departure


Facilities Size Door Size Width×Height ULD Storage
Cooler 13.78m² (+5℃)
20ft Container : 33.33m² (The container can be set to +5℃, -5℃, -20℃)
- (ULD can be stored in 20ft container.)
Freezer 5.44m² (-5℃)
20ft Container : 33.33m² (The container can be set to +5℃, -5℃, -20℃)
- (ULD can be stored in 20ft container.)
Valuables 7.50m² - ×
Live Animal - - -
Dangerous Goods 76.80m² -

Sales Office Information





4-11, Higashi-shinagawa 2-chome Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-8637 Japan

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