JAL Group's Valuable 500 Commitment

JAL Group's Valuable 500 Commitment

The JAL Group aims to improve accessibility so our customers can experience the joy and richness of travel. We will create an environment where each customer can travel with peace of mind. We will value the relationship with our customers and continue to offer personalized travel arrangements.
Furthermore, we respect diversity and aim to create a society where each person can unlock their unique abilities, in collaboration with communities and corporate partners around the world.

Basic Policy

(1)JAL Group Service Policy on Accessibility

  • Provide a stress-free travel experience for all our customers
  • Offer various travel options to all our customers
  • Co-create well-being through travel, with our customers and society

(2)Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

  • We value the diverse traits of our employees and will create new values by promoting inclusion

Key Measures

We will continue to improve accessibility at our facilities and in our services so that our customers can enjoy traveling with minimal barriers. We will continue improving the environment at airports and in the aircraft to promote a comfortable experience both on the ground and in the air. We will also provide useful information so that customers will be motivated to travel.
Furthermore, we will be proactive in human resource development and create employee-friendly workplaces, where each person can unleash their individual potential.

(1)Improvement of the Environment

We will utilize the latest technology to improve the environment so that customers can travel smoothly. Our efforts will include the following initiatives:

  1. Improvement of accessible facilities and equipment at airports
  2. Utilization of assistive tools to promote universal communication
  3. Utilization of assistive tools, such as wooden wheelchairs for smoother mobility
  4. Enhancement of inflight entertainment programs

(2)Promote and Communicate Attractive Travel Features

We will provide information to customers that may feel anxious to travel due to a disability. Our actions will include:

  1. Developing the website where customers can find information with ease
  2. Organizing events to experience boarding procedures and practice sitting in an aircraft in a way to remove any anxiety for air travel
  3. Disseminating information on travel destinations, new ways to enjoy traveling, and promote attractions through the website

(3)Provision of Travel Options

We will promote accessible tourism so that everyone can participate and enjoy traveling without any concerns.

  1. Offering travel ideas, such as dual-ski tours
  2. Providing support for mobility and accommodation for a stress-free experience before, during, and after the trip.

(4)Human Resource Development (Removing Psychological Barriers)

We will develop human resource management to improve customer service skills

  1. Provide training to remove psychological barriers
  2. Providing customer service training to employees in the service division

(5)Promotion of Employees' Growth and Development

We will create workplaces where all employees can unleash their unique traits and capabilities.

  1. Promoting the employment of persons with disabilities and increasing opportunities for all individuals
  2. Improving the work environment by utilizing information technology and offering flexible workstyles
  3. Proactive participation by employees with disabilities to improve accessibility standards