Assistance dog

For customers traveling with Service Dogs such as the dogs can accompany them in the passenger cabin.

Entering the United States with Assistance Dogs

Dogs from High-Risk Rabies Coutnries are prohibited from entering the United States. In addition to that,due to the notification issued by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of United States of America, an additional requirement for dog import was commenced from August 1, 2024.

Dogs which do not meet all the requirements (The age of the dog must be at least 6 months old, and other required documents.) will be prohibited from entrying the United States and passenger must send the dog back to the country of departure at the customer's expense, and these requirements also apply to Assistance dogs and Service dogs.For the latest information, please check the link below.For inquiry, please contact the authorities concerned (US CDC).

At the time of the reservation

Assistance dogs (seeing-eye dogs, service dogs, hearing dogs) may accompany passengers on board at no cost.
Please be sure to register your assistance dog's information when booking your flight, either through the JAL website or by contacting us by phone.

On flights to and from the United States (including to/from Guam and Hawaii) and Canada, Service Dogs besides Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs and Mobility Assistance Dogs will also be accepted in the passenger cabin as long as they meet the requirements. (e.g. Psychiatric Service Dogs, Alert Dogs)

Customers traveling on flights to and from the United States (including to/from Guam)

  • For flight segments of eight hours or more, you will also be required to submit a Service Animal Relief Attestation Form.

Customers traveling on flights to and from Canada

  • For flight segments of eight hours or more, you will also be required to submit a Service Animal Relief Attestation Form.

For reservations on and after February 9, 2021, Emotional Support Dogs will no longer be accepted in the passenger cabin on flights to and from the United States (including to/from Guam and Hawaii) and Canada in accordance with the U.S. Air Carrier Access Act (14 CFR Part 382) and Canada's Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (ATPDR). They will be carried in the cargo compartment as pets at an additional charge.
A Service Dog must be individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. The Service Dog must be harnessed and leashed and remain under the control of the handler at all times at the airport and while onboard the aircraft.
We will check the behavior and condition of your Service Dog on the day of travel, and if its behavior poses a threat to flight safety, we may take such measures as carrying the Service Dog in the cargo compartment.

About Traveling Companions

Customers who find it difficulties to take care of your personal things by themselves are requested to fly with someone accompanying in the same class.
Those people accompanying should please provide care and assistance at the airport, and in cabin, and should please give guidance and assistance at the time of an emergency.

About seat reservations

We will do our best to secure a seat according to your requests, such as a seat with a movable armrest, or a seat close to the restroom. Please consult with us at the time of the reservation.


With regards to the position of your seat in the cabin, please check the page with the cabin seat layouts for domestic and international flights.

  • some seats might not be available.

About the animal quarantine international flight

Animal quarantines are applicable in the case of using international flights. For the entry conditions of each country, please contact the consulate of the country you will be visiting, and the nearest animal quarantine station in Japan.


When accompanied by an Service Dog from overseas, we recommend that you check "Information for those using Service Dog who have traveled from overseas" by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Flow of Events at the Departure Airport

Caution for customers accompanying service dogs other than assistance dogs for people with physical disabilities (guide dogs, service dogs, hearing dogs)

  • The Service Dog must be harnessed and leashed and remain under the control of the handler at all times at the airport and while onboard the aircraft.
    At airports in Japan, it is prohibited to walk with a Service Dog(excluding Guide Dog, Hearing Dog, and Mobility Assistance Dog) inside the airport terminal under airport management regulations. Please have a container or cage ready for taking the dog through the terminal from the cabin door.

Check-In Procedures

Staff can guide you from the check-in counter to the cabin of the airplane if requested. Please consult with us at the time of the reservation.

About the approximate time for procedures

Please come to the check-in counter as early as possible.
We ask you to present a copy of the certificate issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (authorization certificate and training completion certificate, etc.)

About airport facilities and device

For facilities at the airport, such as barrier-free restrooms, please check domestic airport information and international airport information.

  • For information about device and facilities at each airport, please check the device and facilities at the airport.

Security Check

It is done with the same details and in the same manner as other customers. (Simplification of the security check due to disabilities, or preferential treatment, are not possible.)
Be sure to go through the portal gate one by one. In some cases a pat-down screening may be necessary, but please be assured that the security check staff will tell you what to do.


Pre-boarding service

For customers who require special assistance, as soon as the cabin is ready, we board them to the flight first.
For customers who request to use this service, please tell the boarding gate staff as soon as possible.


After boarding, cabin crew will provide information about the emergency exits, lavatory, device and facilities around your seat. For moving within the cabin as well, the cabin crew will provide you support.

While on the airplane, besides water, please refrain from giving anything to the assistance dogs for the physically disabled.

We provide support so that you can safely board and go to your seat.

The Service Dog must be harnessed and leashed and remain under the control of the handler at all times at the airport and while onboard the aircraft.

On-board wheelchairs

On-board wheelchairs are available.

  • These are not available on some small aircraft (SAAB - 340, DHC-8-400 Cargo Combi & ATR42-600).

Inflight Entertainment

Programs are available with subtitling guidance, or audio guidance.

Information in braille

The "Aircraft safety card" is available in braille.

Storage compartments

Please store white canes or auxiliary device at your feet or in the storage compartments.

Filling in immigration documents


We will support you fill in immigration documents on international flights.

When Arriving

At the airport where you arrive, staff will guide you to the arrival lobby and those who are meeting you if requested.
Please do not hesitate to ask.
Customers who request to be assisted, may have to wait a moment.


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.